Web developer proficient in Elixir, C#, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Backbone.js, JQuery, Ansible, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS. Experience using Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud for database and website deployment.
Viva Voce:
Yelp clone as a single-page web-app. Caught and fixed n+1 queries. Custom-built business search. Safely bootstrapped data on initial page load to reduce server queries and load times.
Backbone.js, Rails, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, jQuery, AWS
ActiveRecord Lite:
ActiveRecord clone. Implemented mass assignment, avoided SQL injection vulnerability by escaping SQL queries, and included model-to-model associations.
Ruby, SQL
Rails Lite:
Recreated Rails. Created a WEBrick server to handle incoming requests and a regular-expression based router to direct the requests. Used cookies to implement session flash storage. Implemented protection from cross-site request forgery using CSRF tokens.
Ruby, Regex
Email: matt9986@gmail.com